Sales & Support Generalist / Brand Ambassador

Victoria’s Secret

Walnut Creek, CA & San Diego CA

April 2016 - August 2016

October 2017 - January 2018

  • Assisted in launch of new hybrid store by devising merchandising displays and developing a customer experience strategy that simplified the consumer’s search process

  • Recognized for creating exceptional customer service experiences by listening to personal needs of consumer and using in-store promotions to cross-sell products that accommodated such needs

  • Received award from district manager for acquiring the most number of in-store credit card holders; later promoted to Lead Cashier and Brand Ambassador

Social Media Manager

Thomas J. Spadafore – San Diego, CA

June 2017 - September 2017

  • Exemplified exceptional writing skills by listening to employer’s values and writing content centered around such ideas

  • Improved social media presence by refurbishing LinkedIn by writing a new summary, developing a more detailed experience section, and adding an awards and skills section

  • Embellished social media accounts by using graphic design skills to create images for LinkedIn banner and blog posts as well as used images to promote posts