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Writing an amazing blog post is one thing but making sure it best utilizes your SEO is another. It can be hard to write organic-sounding content that best gets you noticed by Google. That's why today we're telling you the 4 mistakes you need to stop making if you want to improve your SEO.

4 SEO Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

Stop making the same mistakes and learn to improve your SEO with these simple tweaks:

1. Forgetting to Use Keywords

Using keywords that emphasize the central focus of your blog post and repeating them throughout is a must to improve your SEO. By incorporating and repeating key phrases, Google will be better able to identify your post and list it as a top result. While it may seem arduous remembering to include your keywords in the right places of your blog, there are tools out there to help. For example, WordPress and Yoast are great resources specifically designed to help you stay on track.

2. Not Linking to Outside Sources

Linking your content to other content is an easy way to get Google to recognize your site. Even though it might seem counterintuitive to link other posts within your posts, we promise you'll gain more business. That's because Google is all about sharing. So when Google catches these outside links in your blog post, it’ll see you as a teamplayer and improve your SEO.

3. Always Linking to the Same Outside Sources

While linking your content to outside sources is awesome, if you start linking to the same sites and blogs every time, Google will start to notice. This will result in less SEO and could potentially harm your blog instead of help it. Fortunately, with all the social media platforms out there, finding different outside links to include in your blog is easy! Just search a topic on Instagram,Twitter, or Facebook and you’re guaranteed to find a plethora of great sources to use on your site.

4. Not Having Landing Pages for Main Keywords

A landing page is a page readers will be redirected to upon clicking on a main keyword. However, the specifics of what this exact landing page is could be a variety of things. For example, you could link the term “influencers” to a white paper about influencer marketing. Another good example would be simply linking to a page where readers can provide their contact information. By doing so, readers will be able to gain more insight into your business and in turn you'll have acquired a potential client.

via swaygroup.com